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Nourish Kefir Starters 2x5g


Nourish Kefir Starter Cultures are quick and easy to use. They are the No-Fuss way to make your own delicious fresh kefir at home (or even on the move) using your choice of fresh milk, including cow’s milk, lacto-free milk, goat’s milk, soya milk and coconut water – or even fruit juice!

These starter cultures are a reliable and make great tasting and effective kefir without the effort of having to look after live kefir grains. Why? Because each sachet has a measured amount of kefir live bacteria and will produce 1 litre of kefir – within about 24 hours.*

You can make up to 4 subsequent ferments from your first litre that are still strong and provide billions of gut-friendly bacteria. Further batches will become weaker after each fermentation.

SKU: 85016 Category:


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