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Amour Natural Lavender Oil 10ml


Lavender True (Lavandula angustifolia)

Lavender oil is a light, floral and herbaceous aroma with a woody, balsamic undertone.
The plant
The lavender plant has long stems with tiny blue-purple flowers covering them. It is a popular English herb, as well as being widely cultivated in France and Yugoslavia.
The extraction
Lavender essential oil is extracted from the fresh flowering tops by steam distillation.
Lavender oil is a calming and relaxing oil. It was highly advocated by Rudolf Steiner for its balancing psychological affects.
Lavender oil is a popular choice of aromatherapists. A digestive remedy often recommended by aromatherapists is to massage 5 drops of lavender oil in 25ml of carrier oil (jojoba, sweet almond or grapeseed) gently into the abdomen in a clock-wise motion. The soothing properties of the oil are absorbed through the skin and the massage helps increase blood flow to this area.
Lavender oil has exceptional skin-enhancing properties, balances sebum production and encourages healthy cell growth. It is a ‘must have’ in all first aid kits, as the cicatrising properties help the skin heal quickly and the cytophylactic properties help to reduce scarring, as well as having powerful antiseptic properties that are useful in the treatment of open wounds.
Lavender has been long-used to keep moths and insects away from clothes, by placing lavender pillows or sachets in draws or in between bed sheets.

SKU: LAV0010 Category:


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